Libby Baker Sweiger

Weaver of Everyday Tales

Mom Wasn’t Big On TV Watching

As my mother grew older she became more spiritual. Now this is no small thing. She was pretty much a giant in the faith when I was pretty young. She ate up everything in sight in the Congregational Church having to do with God’s word and the teachings of Jesus. She went to bible studies and prayer groups just about every day.

When we came home from school some days the kitchen table was piled high with bibles, concordances, notes and journal jottings. She was not kidding around. She was going to be close to God and that was all there was to it.

Even though she has Alzheimers at 81, you can see the Spirit is still alive and well in her, still shining:

Mom in quiet reflection

She was on fire for God while I was in high school. She could tell if I was up to no good before I could and would be praying for me to change my mind.

One thing she couldn’t abide was TV watching, especially at the dinner table. She said we all turned into mesmerized zombies in front of the screen. I can’t remember which one of us had the guts one night to nudge the TV into the dining room to watch a favorite show during dinner.

Mom had been out all day praying with the women in various bible studies in the new church she was taking us too. They loved Jesus there, but were also very big on the Holy Spirit. I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this, because I don’t remember telling a soul about this night. Now you may chalk all this up to superstitious nonsense, but I’m not one to criticize a fired up mother who believes she has God on her side.

The four of us kids were eating our dinner and watching some lame, but favorite program on the TV we’d smuggled in. In bursts my mom from the kitchen through the swinging door and spots the TV. She shook her hand and the TV and said in a loud voice, “Come out of that television right now devil in the name of Jesus!” The TV went black the moment she said it, a little smoke came out of it and it died on the spot!

Well you never saw four more drop-jawed children in your life. Me most of all. I would laugh now, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to do it when I’m alone. Oh when the four of us have been together we’ve had a chuckle, but never in front of Mom.

She grew in our esteem that night. Our respect knew no bounds. You can argue coincidence or even trickery and I couldn’t prove you wrong. I have no explanation for an exploding old TV set that died on cue. But it tells you something about moms, single ones especially. You can push the envelope with them for just so long and then you’d better toe the line — because they will surely get help from God above to make their point — if you don’t listen to them!

At least, that’s the message I took away from the night. That and that my mom isn’t big on TV watching, especially with dinner!

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10 thoughts on “Mom Wasn’t Big On TV Watching

  1. Carol Rainbolt on said:

    libby ,,,,,, this has to be one of my favorite events of your life,,,,, Getting to see the strength , love and passion your Mom has for her faith and our Lord Jesus,, And I would loved to have been a fly on the wall and seen that TV “die on the spot”, .
    I can see from your writing the conviction and love your Mom has for the Lord. If only More families would live and love by the word,,,,,,,, More homes would not have “TV at Dinner”,,,,,


  2. Dear Carol, I appreciate your comment. Yes you have my mom pretty much to a tee. How fortunate are children with mothers who pray for them! God bless you dear friend!


  3. First, ROFL! Wrath of the Mom Finger! Yes, single Mothers can only be pushed to a point, oh I how know. My Mother’s was deadly; still is. This chapter show the love and respect you have for you Mom.,


  4. Secondly, ROFL! You are so funny Denise! You are right on both counts. I have more respect for my mom than I can say and my love knows no bounds!


  5. That would’ve been the craziest experience in the world, but who’s going to question it? Certainly not me. Faith of a mustard seed! LOL Gotta love her faith and determination to show her kids tv doesn’t belong at the dinner table! I dig your mom!


  6. This is a very good tribute to your mom’s faithfulness toward God. Holiness in our lives is so important in getting the full presence of the Holy Spirit in our worship, when we seek what the Lord is saying to the churches. The carnal man is the enemy of God, and because of this we can get ourselves in a rut without an assist from devils, and we all know that a rut is nothing less than a grave with the ends kicked out. You alway uplift me Libby, keep it up.


  7. Yes, it’s wise to have a healthy respect for Mom. 🙂 And to be in awe of the Lord. That would have been quite the sight to see…


  8. You sum it up perfectly and it was quite a sight to see! 🙂


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